How To Sneak Your Engagement Ring Abroad & Propose
How To Sneak Your Engagement Ring Abroad & Propose
So, you’ve been planning your proposal for months, it’ll be abroad whilst on holiday. You have the perfect scenario of how you will pop the big question, what you will say. Maybe it will be at a meal or on a sunset beach walk. Everything will be perfect!
Whilst collecting your engagement ring you’re getting a bit nervous; it’s getting real now. On seeing the ring; is it what you hoped and asked for? more importantly, will she love it as much as you hope she will!
And the next big panic!!! How to sneak your engagement ring abroad & propose. Have you planned how you are going to safely pack the ring away, hidden for the journey before you propose?
Planning the perfect engagement proposal
One of my clients on his final collection happily told me his plans of travelling Australia and half way through his 3-week trip whilst in the outback would propose under the stars. How perfect is that? He hadn’t however thought about how he would get the engagement ring to Australia unnoticed by his very observant and slightly nosy girlfriend.
Hearing afterwards the story of their travels to and around Australia really made me laugh.
After my advice to carry the engagement ring in his hand luggage and not in the hold, he sought the best place; unsuspecting, discreet and secure whilst in his bag. Bearing in mind he was visiting one of the hottest places in the world what better places the ring can go than inside a woolly hat?!?!? No one will question this, particularly his girlfriend surely?
So off they went to the airport with his engagement ring safely hidden away. Heading towards the security checkpoint with a slight panic, he managed to get the attention of a member of staff and told them that he has a surprise engagement ring in his hand luggage and if he was to be searched if they could be discreet. The member of staff was really helpful, sympathised and said she would keep an eye out. Confidently, off he went through the x-ray machine “BEEP”, his helpful member of staff was nowhere to be seen!
Trying to keep his woolly hat under wraps whilst having his bag searched he was feeling a little flustered. Luckily his girlfriend had decided to wait further on and all was well. He had however lost his passport and almost missed his connection flight to Australia, his girlfriend unbeknown of his stressful situation was not happy!
Thinking afterwards there were many strange things she thought were a little odd on their travels but the proposal was a successful perfect and happy surprise, just as planned.
So, How to travel with a hidden engagement ring
Make your journey a little less stressful by following these tips to keep your secret and your ring safe.
- Add the ring to your insurance.
- Carry the ring with you at all times in your hand luggage, never put it in your main suitcase.
- Keep the ring in a safe box and not loose in your bag, pocket etc.
- Add a note to the box advising staff there is a surprise ring and to try to be discreet.
- Try to get your girlfriend to go ahead in the queue.
- Try not to carry too many electrical goods which could encourage an airport search.
- Add the ring to unsuspecting places in your hand luggage, for example, your jewellery and watch bag.
- Think of where you are going, add the ring in your socks or woolly hat, whichever is less suspecting.
- If you read books maybe cut a whole in your book to hide the ring inside. Think creatively.
- Try to store your engagement ring in the main hotel safe rather than your personal hotel safe.
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